Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Greetings. Since this is my first post, let me outline my purpose for this blog.

I believe in God, and in the infallibility of the Bible, His revelation to us, and in Jesus Christ, revealed through the Bible, and in eternal life. Salvation according to the Bible is through Jesus Christ alone, who has redeemed me from my sins. I believe the Bible is historically accurate, and the Genesis account of creation to be a literal 6 day creation. I believe a 6 day creation is also fundamental to my faith.

I hope to touch on these issues, and I encourage feedback from both sides of the fence. I will not tolerate flaming (personal attacks), or unacceptable language/behaviour.

I have read many articles, blog comments, and watch documentaries concerning to these topics, and often am frustrated by what I read and see/hear. Its my hope for this blog to be as constructive as possible.

I believe that science and Christianity are natural allies, and can/do co-exist without contradiction. This is also what I hope to outline.

I will post something soon. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Laurence Gonzaga said...

Since you no longer use this address, would you please be willing to give it up for someone else to use? Thanks!